Sunday, May 9, 2010

Combating Terrorism

Does Hillary Clinton really believe her own bullshit, or does she think that the American people are so gullible that we’ll swallow any lie coming out of the terrorist-sympathizing white house?

Here is her quote about the Pakistan-connected Times Square bomber:

“We’ve made it very clear that if, heaven-forbid, an attack like this that we can trace back to Pakistan were to have been successful, there would be very severe consequences,”

What consequences? Nuke ‘em? Send in the Marines? Sever diplomatic relations? Stop sending them billions of dollars with which to attack us? Stop sending them weapons? C’mon, really, does anybody believe that ANY meaningful sanctions will be imposed? Of course not.

What will happen is that our spineless, sorry-assed excuse of a president will say “please stop supporting terrorists – pretty please”. And that will be it. The entire situation will blow over. Obama will manufacture some new crisis to distract us and we’ll forget about it. Until the next attack.

It’s time we get serious about preventing anti-American terrorism. Let’s start by taking a page from the Israeli playbook.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"Big government change relies on two groups: the special interests and the well meaning do-gooders. Invariably the later helping the former to pass rules which will enrich the special interests but do not end up solving the problems the do-gooders want solved." -Milton Friedman

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The True Cost Of Health Care Reform

The president and democrats have been crowing for a week about the historic health care bill, especially playing up the supposed "break-even" costs of the reform. The Congressional Budget Office supported their contention that the bill will largely pay for itself over the next decade, which might make it OK. But, the CBO did not perform a truly independent review of the projected costs and savings.

The CBO, in order to get the analysis done in the time available, largely relied on dollar projections contained in the bill. As recent history has repeatedly shown us, government projections of future costs and income are almost always much rosier than what is realistic and what actually occurs. An immediate example is Gov Schwarzenegger's forecasts when he first took office. They were so wildly inaccurate that we now find ourselves staring down the barrel of a $20B annual deficit, and it's growing every day.

One problem with overly optimistic forecasts is that future legislatures are unwilling to take action to raise taxes or cut spending to deal with the problem that they inherited. They let the problems fester and continue to grow until they pass the crisis point. We find ourselves at that point now in CA. We have long since passed that point at the federal level, but they (we) deal with it by merely printing more money, thus forestalling the day of reckoning.

Below is a link to a very comprehensive and realistic analysis of the true costs we will face in the future if we don't take action now. The future is in our hands, we our not powerless against the machine. Take action at the local level, support the Libertarian and Tea parties, write or email your representatives in Sacramento and Washington and let your voices be heard.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Simple Solution to California's Budget Crisis

Why is it so difficult to pass a California budget?  It's very simple - our income has declined precipitously, so our spending should follow suit.  The Republicans are being pilloried mercilessly, yet they are the vanguards of our future.  Any cuts allowed to be enacted by the Democratic majority are merely illusory; they will not come to fruition.  

In the end, Democrats will spend whatever we give them.  The only way to control the sprawl of state government is to stop giving it ever more money.  

As Thomas Jefferson said, "I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Are There ANY Honest Folks in Obama's Cabinet?

First Geithner, then Daschle. Who's next? New politics, indeed. This president is a corrupt dirtbag, just like all the rest. Does ANYBODY think that this veteran Chicago politician had no input to the Illinois governor on his successor?